
Insurance • April 3, 2024

Next-Gen Underwriting: AI Automation in Property and Casualty (P&C) Insurance

Insurance claim processing and policy underwriting are foundational to insurance operations. Any inefficiency or reluctance in these functions due to manual processes can disturb underwriting excellence. Factors such as limited access to quality data, regulatory pressures, and complex risk assessment also contribute to underlying performance for P&C insurers. Extensive paperwork, labor-intensive data collection, and complicated insurance procedures often result in prolonged turnaround times, and ultimately, dissatisfied customers.

Then how do P&C insurance companies overthrow these hurdles and compete in today’s insurance market? The answer lies in P&C insurance underwriting using AI.
From ensuring top-line growth and superior customer experience to optimized operations and enhanced underwriting and claim processing, AI has been instrumental in reshaping the P&C underwriting landscape like never before.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the domain of P&C insurance underwriting, exploring its process, roadblocks, and strategies for surmounting obstacles using AI automation.

What is P&C Insurance Underwriting?

P&C insurance underwriting involves evaluating risks associated with property and casualty insurance policies. P& C underwriters assess various factors to determine the likelihood of losses such as damages to personal or business property, location, past claims history, and financial stability of a policyholder. They also assess liability for accidents and injuries that may occur on the policyholder’s premises. They then decide whether to accept, or decline the policy and offer appropriate premium rates based on risk assessment.

The primary objective of P&C insurance underwriting is to effectively manage risks while providing suitable coverage to policyholders. The P&C insurance offers coverage that encapsulates financial losses from unforeseen events including weather incidents and thefts, to protect property and belongings from potential harm.

Process of P&C Insurance Underwriting

Below is the step-by-step process of performing underwriting in property and casualty insurance 

Application Review

Once you apply with all relevant details, your insurer reviews the application submitted and checks if all the information is provided or not. In some cases, your insurer may ask for additional information to understand your financial health and credit score, and the nature of the business to determine risk levels.

Risk Analysis

Post-application submission, the underwriter examines your property location and value, past claim history, loss history, and any potential hazard to the property. A poor business loss history impacts the underwriting decision as to whether to accept or reject your application. This step is critical to deciding the appropriate coverage and premiums for the policy. Further, the policy is tailored to meet your specific requirements and coverage.

Final Assessment

After evaluating your application and risk profile, your underwriting collects all the reviews and assessment results to make final decisions. Based on it, he may offer P&C insurance with coverage provided exclusively, modify the policy by terms and conditions, or reject it if the risk levels are high. If you accept the modified counteroffer, you are entitled to pay high premiums. 

Each insurer has its way of processing P&C insurance from submitting to analyzing and offering a policy, often taking several weeks to a couple of months based on risk factors. However, with the integration of AI, an insurer can streamline the process of P&C underwriting, significantly reducing the time required to approve the policy in fewer hours with just a few clicks.

Underwriting Shift: From Traditional Underwriting Roadblocks to AI Automated P&C Underwriting

Wondering why the P&C underwriting process is still so cumbersome? Here’s why

  • The traditional underwriting process for property and casualty insurance heavily relies on manual data input, leading to potential errors and inefficiencies. More often, insurers have limited access to quality data, restricting them from aligning with better underwriting decisions.
  • Insurers face delays in new product launches due to outdated and rigid legacy systems, and inflexible solutions fail to meet the expectations of customers, brokers, and policyholders. Additionally, there is a lack of visibility between business and technology teams, leading to the development of ineffective solutions that do not fully address business or customer requirements.  
  • Traditional underwriting processes are time-consuming, and surrounded by manually-intensive work, paper forms, and complexity, leading to client dissatisfaction.

However, AI-powered underwriting can address these challenges. By leveraging advanced technology and vast datasets, AI automation provides valuable insights for more efficient quotations, accurate pricing, and reduced operational costs for insurers.

With AI-driven actionable inputs, insurers can solidify customer relationships and customer experience, improve turnaround times, and identify conditions that can mitigate future risks.

Additionally, insurers with access to actionable data and insights are capable of explaining increased premium rates and can suggest remedial measures to improve the customers’ risk profile.

Overall, AI-driven solutions offer a transformative approach to property & casualty insurance underwriting, addressing inevitable challenges and paving the way for enhanced efficiency and accuracy in insurance underwriting.

Understanding P&C Underwriting Using AI

AI-based underwriting for P&C gives underwriters the ability to enhance the insurance value they provide, expand the business knowledge they assess, and make well-informed decisions.

AI empowers underwriters to interpret, communicate, and explain underwriting decisions as well as the decisions made through automated processes for easy to moderate underwriting risks.

With AI automation, insurers can elevate their engagement with policyholders and elucidate how preventive measures can reduce insurance costs. Additionally, insurers can conduct broader analyses across the insurance value chain, and collaborate with the development team to fast-track new product and services launch, enriching the customer experience journey.

Benefits of P&C Underwriting with AI: Areas for Enhancement

Quantiphi, an AI-first digital engineering leader, offers breakthrough solutions to augment underwriting operations efficiently and cost-effectively. While these optimize the way the P&C insurance sector operates and efficiency and accuracy reach unprecedented levels, here are the areas we can improve: 

  • Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Integrating AI can reshape the underwriting process, and minimize human involvement in price estimation and premium coverage. Automated software analyzes applicants’ data, and equips insurers with personalized interactions, prompt responses, and tailored recommendations to enhance overall customer service & satisfaction. 
  • Enhanced Risk Assessment

    AI’s capability to scrutinize extensive historical data empowers P&C insurers to assess risks swiftly, thus eradicating potential human bias or errors inherent in manual processes. With advanced insurance software, insurers can analyze a policyholder's complete data, including their location and other pertinent personal details, and customize policies to meet individual requirements.
  • Improved Claims Handling

    AI-powered claims management streamlines claim processing by utilizing automated algorithms, eliminating the obstacles and delays associated with manual assessments. With real-time processing capabilities, these verify details promptly and evaluate the claims at ease, enabling insurers to expedite the process for themselves and policyholders.
  • Elevated Customer Engagement

    AI-powered chatbots assist policyholders with their day-to-day inquiries, offering immediate responses 24*7, and enhancing customer service. These chatbots come in varying levels of complexity and can address a broad spectrum of questions, ranging from policy details to premium payments and beyond. Automated chatbots are advancing customer engagement by catering to more complex tasks, and becoming more integral to underwriting operations. 
  • Proactive Fraud Prevention and Response

    AI software can swiftly pinpoint potentially fraudulent claims by integrating data from various channels. Additionally, these assist insurers in detecting fraud, and getting valuable insights, and strategies to recover costs. It results in enhanced risk mitigations, solidifies security, and fosters greater trust between insurers and policyholders.

Embrace Quantiphi’s AiUP for Next-gen underwriting

Implementing AI can help you prioritize delivering superior customer experiences and adopting data-driven decision-making. AiUP, our cutting-edge insurance underwriting platform, powered by AI, offers a transformative, technology-driven approach to reimagining the underwriting process.

Our solution enables insurers to independently manage submissions, document processing, information comparison, and more. It is a robust platform that reduces administrative burdens, enhances insurers' productivity, and meets policyholders’ requirements in a dynamic and ever-changing insurance landscape.

Read more about how AI is creating an impact in commercial underwriting.


  1. How does AI-automated software help automate the P&C underwriting process?

    AI software automates mundane and tedious tasks, risk assessment, and application verification in less time which are very lengthy and prone to human errors in traditional processes. Moreover, AI-powered chatbots can instantly respond to customer claim-related queries, freeing up P&C underwriters to focus on more potential tasks.
  2. How can AI automation expedite claim processing?

    By eliminating the hurdles of manual assessments, and streamlining claim validation using advanced algorithms, automated underwriting software can transform the claims processing. For example, an AI algorithm analyzes the claim history of an individual and recalculates the insurance premiums.
  3. What are the benefits of using AI software in P&C insurance underwriting?

    Leveraging AI software benefits insurers in the following ways
    • Streamline claim processing

    • Improve customer services

    • Faster underwriting workflows

    • Workforce productivity gain and operational efficiencies

    • Better customer engagement

    • Increase automation and enhance security

  4. Can AI software be used to reduce the cost and time associated with P&C underwriting?

    Best-in-class AI software can reduce the cost and time associated with P&C underwriting by automating application submission, document processing, and more. Following AI software best practices can complete application processing in a few minutes which typically takes a few days and even weeks in manual processing.
  5. Can AI access risk effectively in P&C insurance underwriting?

    Yes, AI can significantly revamp risk assessments in P&C underwriting by automatically analyzing customer data and identifying potential risks. It can also flag fraudulent activities, irregular data patterns, and anomalies to insurers, thereby improving insurance operations.
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Neelam Tyagi


Neelam Tyagi

Marketing Specialist-Content

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