
CCAI • January 13, 2022

Quick-To-Market Industry-Tailored
Virtual Agents

As per a Markets and Markets report, investment into Customer Experience (CX) transformation is expected to reach $50 billion by 2025. Conversational AI will play a key role in the process of driving CX Transformation. Virtual Agents and Assistive AI act as an interface to interact with the end customer, the Virtual Agents are vital in determining the overall experience. 

According to Anthony Mullens, a Gartner Analyst, “90% of the chatbots live today will be discarded by 2023.” This is because virtual agents follow two general directions:

  • Easy for business users to get started but produce a sub-par customer experience
  • Provide a frictionless experience but they are limited only to the developers as the cost is high

Quantiphi’s industry-tailored virtual agents are here to solve your problems. We effectively utilize our industry expertise and conversational AI knowledge to create reusable industry-specific solutions that reduce the time spent on development, in turn, drastically reducing the time to go to market.

What Is an Industry-Tailored Solution?

Industry-tailored Virtual Agents are those created with specific industry pertinent use-cases and integrations so as to properly address problem areas for any industry with a targeted approach. To create industry-tailored virtual agents that are quick to market, Quantiphi decided to capitalize on the industries most in need of such digital change. We listed the most frequent problem areas that can potentially be explored across multiple industry verticals for maximum impact through digital transformation. We ensured that the flows were dynamic and generalized, allowing additions for organization-specific customizations and conversational nuances when re-used. We also catered to the latest integrations and functionalities that could be incorporated to produce robust, relevant, and savvy virtual agents.

With 400+ Conversational AI professionals who have worked on more than 200+ engagements, our in-house expertise allowed us to achieve this feat. This repository of industry-specific Virtual Agents is now entirely reusable, hence reducing the time and effort required for developing and deploying enterprise-grade use-cases from scratch.

What are Quantiphi’s Conversational AI solutions for Industries?

At Quantiphi, some of the primary use-cases we have covered for various industries are as follows:

How our Industry-tailored Virtual Agents Are Quick To Market

To give you an example of how quickly we can get your virtual agents to market, let’s look at our customer journey with the State of Illinois:

1. Week 2: 

  • Rapid response virtual agent (voice & chat)  that answered Covid-19 related questions deployed for Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES)  
  • Chat-based virtual agent deployed for IDES with an integrated CMS

2. Week 3:

  • Chat-based virtual agent deployed for Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity  in Spanish and English

3. Week 10:

  • IVR replaced by virtual agents for multiple departments of state in multiple languages

How Do These Virtual Agents Benefit Your Organization?

Quantiphi is continuously working to optimize the systems and methods for the development of virtual agents to keep up with ever-evolving technological advancements. Our repository of virtual agent use-cases, functionalities, and integrations, which cater to multiple industry verticals, provides developers with a strong foundational bank of state-of-the-art agents and helps us stay ahead of the learning curve.

Quantiphi’s  solution suite offers the following primary benefits:

  1. Speed - Significant reduction in time spent in the development and in o going-to-market 
  2. Cost-Sensitive - Savings on time and development effort leading to a reduction in overall project pricing
  3. Quality - With industry-focused and technologically advanced virtual agents that consistently take into account emerging technologies and market trends, our virtual agents are here to help you achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

Get in touch with our experts to explore our Conversational AI capabilities today.

Contributed by: Kanishk Mehta and Krish Kalro


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