case study

Developing Data Governance Framework


Business Impacts

Data Quality Dashboard

Data Quality Rules and Remediation Plan

Data Quality Profiling Roadmap

Data Monitoring and Control Framework

Customer Key Facts

  • Location : North America
  • Industry : Insurance

Problem Context

The customer, a large provider of supplemental insurance offering financial protection to more than 50 million customers worldwide, wanted to increase data steward engagement, define and implement a governance process across reporting functions, and refine their MDM data quality.



  • Identify critical objects and their attributes for data quality
  • Capture data quality rules with the help of data stewards
  • Develop an execution plan for the data remediation process




SQL Server

SQL Server




Quantiphi helped to set up a Metadata Manager framework, defined and implemented Data Quality Metrics and initiated a Data Quality project with iterative delivery of remediation efforts.


  • Drive RSA regulatory compliance with comprehensive collection, monitoring and evaluation of business quality assurance data for higher level of consumer data protections
  • Improved visibility of quality metrics to stewardship community


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