
AI Applications • June 16, 2019

How artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry is transforming the patient journey

How artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry is transforming the patient journey
Leading healthcare providers in the United States and around the globe are experiencing firsthand how the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions can improve patient care. Each stage of the patient care journey can be transformed with the right types of AI-assisted healthcare solutions and applications. Many of the healthcare providers and companies we work with are making impacts on inference times, resource management, and remote-patient monitoring. You can learn more about those stories here.

Using the latest technology, healthcare organizations can deliver a more accessible, personalized and enhanced care experience. Here are six stages of the patient care journey artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve:

  • Making screenings more accessible
    The patient care journey often begins before someone needs treatment. Providing easy access to medical information and resources, as well as screening tests for asymptomatic people who may or may not have an early disease or disease precursors, can help determine whether further diagnostic tests are needed. AI is revolutionizing this initial stage by allowing healthcare systems to harness previously unused data for clinical risk assessment and intervention. Additionally, by using a virtual assistant based on Google’s Contact Center AI (CCAI) platform, healthcare providers can engage with and aid in patient care around the clock.

Watch the video to learn more about our Contact Center AI solutions

  • Accelerate diagnosis for quicker identification
    The speed with which a patient is diagnosed can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. Not only do artificial intelligence healthcare applications enable faster disease detection based on pattern analysis, but they can also provide clear and actionable recommendations to manage population health and resources. One example of the power of AI is our work with one of the world’s top universities to develop a brain hemorrhage detection system to reduce decision-making time for brain injury candidates. Using advanced machine learning applications, we helped the university create a model that reduced inference time from days to seconds. Additionally, our team worked with another institution to enhance tumor detection and survival predictions, which involves training deep learning models to identify tumors in CT scans and subsequent location coordinates in the body.
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  • Improve treatment for faster recovery
    Once a diagnosis is determined, AI can be used to monitor patient treatment and ensure efficient care management. These solutions can include everything from virtual nursing assistants and cognitive medical report analysis to models that can predict chemotherapy outcomes.
  • Optimize management for cost efficiency
    Balancing excellent patient care with operational costs is more accurate and predictable than ever before, thanks to AI. Using advanced AI-based solutions, healthcare providers can now optimize treatment costs, forecast outpatient visits and readmission risks, and predict bed availability.
  • Automate surveillance for better insights
    With AI-assisted solutions, healthcare providers can bring down costs while improving health outcomes. Remote-patient monitoring can include personalized diet and nutrition plans, prescription optimization and improved workflow dashboards for patient recovery insight. CCAI-based virtual assistants can also be used to provide automated responses for medical queries.
  • Personalized prevention experience
    Assessing population health, predicting patient readmission risks, and improving the care journey based on patient feedback are all made easier with AI. One of our machine learning-based predictive models, for instance, uncovered patients with 2X higher likelihood of readmission. The model, which was trained on clinical data from electronic health records, allowed our client to focus on the patients with the highest risk of readmission.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already transforming the patient care journey for many healthcare providers. And the number of healthcare organizations looking to provide a better care experience while saving costs and improving accuracy with AI-assisted solutions is growing. Learn more about our artificial intelligence solutions for the healthcare industry and see some of our success stories here.

Next Steps:

  • Read this blog post to learn more about Contact Center AI
  • Download our AI Playbook to learn how AI and ML are transforming the business landscape for Healthcare and other industries
  • Contact our team to discuss how you can transform your healthcare organization with artificial intelligence


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