
Healthcare • February 23, 2021

Genomics Data Integration: A game changer for the healthcare industry

Have you ever wondered about the volume of patient data that gets generated  in the Healthcare cosmos?  IDC predicts that healthcare data will experience a compound annual growth (CAGR) of 36% through 2025, outperforming data growth in all other industries. 

Out of all the healthcare data, genomics is attracting the attention of public, scientists, providers, payers, life sciences and medical devices organizations for the right reasons. In this post, we explore the reasons that are fuelling the demand to exploit the unrealized value of genome data across the care continuum and healthcare value chain.  

Current screening tools, modalities and guidelines are soon going to be a thing of the past due to their limited computational capability, higher turnaround time, poor image resolution, less accurate results, growing misconceptions and fear among patients, and most importantly, lack of actionable genomic insights. 

It's frustrating and also expensive when you can’t pinpoint the  cause of symptoms and arrive at a diagnosis easily. Unnecessary tests, misdiagnosis, wrong medications and experimental treatment  not only increases the healthcare expenditure but also affects the mental health of the patient. Thankfully, the ‘Genomics Age’ is here to relieve patients from such unpleasant experiences.

Genome data integration along with other data such as social determinants of health, EHR data, claims, wearables, social media, IoT, and mobile application information provides actionable insights and a 360 degree view of patients.

Practice precision medicine-improve patient outcomes and lower cost 

One of the most dreaded diseases is cancer where patients do not experience symptoms until it spreads. With the integration of genome data, you can  assess the risk of onset of diseases in a patient long before the symptoms develop, personalize precise treatment based on the patient’s biological information and improve patient outcomes dramatically. Data driven insights give you more treatment options that you can try based on the stage of the disease. This further enables you to  engage with patients at the right time with the right tool for managing the risks through personalized medical interventions, medications, patient education, encouraging behavioural and lifestyle changes.  Quantiphi’s omni channel intent driven healthcare bots, virtual assistants, etriage solution offerings are helping providers and patients in navigating the healthcare maze, reducing burnout and improving overall experience. 

Leverage ‘omics data to drive consumer driven health plans

The healthcare industry is planning aggressively to be able to respond to the dramatic shift  to consumerism and value based care models. Quantiphi helps our clients, payers and providers to leverage technologies that personalize health plans, contain costs and design effective care plans, leading to  improved population health. 

Enhance drug efficacy

It's interesting to note how each of us react to the same drug differently. Drugs can also be personalized based on a patient’s genetic makeup for effective clinical outcomes. We have developed a knowledge management platform for a Translational Research Department of a pharmaceutical company, to support drug discovery and development decisions. It  consists of a modernized data warehouse and analytics workbench. The data warehouse includes genomic data, clinical data, deidentified patient data and additional information. An analytics interface helps with model building, parameter estimation, and report generation in the translational research area. 

Quantiphi enables you to embrace data to tap the enormous opportunities

‘Prevention is better than cure’ sounds more convincing than ever before. With the advent of latest technologies, genomics data can impact and save critical lives. It will be exciting to see its impact grow bigger. At Quantiphi, we help you with new frontier data integration and optimization strategies to unlock hidden insights from voluminous data. Thereby, helping you detect and prevent occurrence of chronic diseases, identify rare anomalies accurately, assist in in-silico drug discovery, automate manual processes, engage patients and much more.  This will enable you to focus on what matters the most, patient care. 
Our cutting edge state of the art artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithms and big data technologies help you succeed in your goals to provide better, faster and connected care to patients while lowering cost.
Contact us to learn more about how we can help you in your patient care journey.


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