case study

Media Planning Application

Media & Entertainment

Business Impacts


Reduction in time to generate media plans


Increase in overall productivity


Increase in customer satisfaction


Reduction in manual error

Customer Key Facts

  • Location : South Africa
  • Industry : Media & Entertainment

Problem Context

Client is a media agency focused on delivering cost-effective & innovative media buying

Client used to generate media plans manually in excel and had issues with discrepancies in the format, calculations and pricing used by each individual. Client wants to develop an internal online application to manage their processes. 

Quantiphi developed an application to manage it’s inventory, pricing, billing, seamlessly create media plans as well as fetch data in a quick and consistent way. This application was integrated with Amazon QuickSight and these dashboards provided business insights and trends



  • Multiple data sources required effort while integrating
  • Data cleaning and ensuring data consistency
  • Development of a versatile application to meet the ever-changing needs of the media industry

Technologies Used

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Amazon S3

Amazon S3

Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2

Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight

Improving Productivity, Cost Savings, and Reduction in Errors with an Internal Online Application


Quantiphi developed an internal online application for Simply Black to manage its inventory, pricing and billing, and seamlessly create media plans for clients as well as fetch data in a quick and consistent way. This end-to-end application involves a rule-based system that reduces dependency on each individual to protect profit margin and increase profitability of the client.


  • Easy to Use Application with embedded dashboards
  • Reduced Resource intensive processes
  • Reduced time in planning by 40% due to ad-hoc analysis
  • Savings - Eliminated user based license service
  • Reduction in time to generate media plans by 40%

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