case study

Hyper-personalization for an Indian Conglomerate on their Super APP


Business Impacts

Improved CTR for search results

Enhanced user experience

Increase search result relevance

Customer Key Facts

  • Country : India
  • Industry : Retail
  • About : Leading Indian Conglomerate operating across several consumer categories

Problem Context

The client is an Indian retailing giant operating across different business units like food, pharmaceuticals, electronics and more via different channels. They wanted to develop a Super App as a one-stop-solution for all its product categories. The client required a robust search solution to enhace customer experience on the app considering their wide range of products.


  • Inconsistent data coming in from different business units
  • Unstructured and siloed data
  • Lack of attribute details in the product meta-data

Technologies Used

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Function

Google Cloud Function

Google Cloud DataFlow

Google Cloud DataFlow

Google Cloud BigQuery

Google Cloud BigQuery

Retail API

Retail API

Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics



Building a single-stop Super App for an Indian Conglomerate 


  • Quantiphi helped the client power the Super App with a robust search capability using Google's Retail API and implemented various capabilities including querying, dynamic faceting, filtering, and ordering, etc. 
  • We also built logics for custom capabilities to show recent searches, trending searches, results in case of null results in the catalog, and pre-defined business/ filtering logics over the pre-existing features.


  • Incorporated key search features like auto-suggest, trending searches, etc.
  • Simplified product search 
  • Enhanced overall user experience

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