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Embrace Generative AI with Quantiphi and NVIDIA, the new agenda for modern businesses.

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Delivering Innovation & Faster Time to Value for Business Outcomes


Enhanced Labor

  • Quicker Adoption
  • Greater Accuracy
  • Faster Delivery


Productivity Gains in Knowledge Work


Cost Savings

  • Streamlined operations
  • Accelerated R&D through generative design
  • Lower overheads


Cost Reduction in Generative Design


Customer Experience

  • Tailored solutions
  • Reduced gaps in conversation
  • Improved customer engagement


Executives claim CX is the Primary Focus of Gen AI Investments

Domain-Adapted Foundational
Models for the Enterprise

Foundational models are great for general use cases, but have
shortcomings in enterprise settings

Off The Shelf Models

Trained on publicly available

Frozen in time

Contains bias and toxic information

Requires dedicated infrastructure

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Enterprise Requirements

Ready trained foundation models for various use cases

Answers on domain-specific information

Updated knowledge base with latest information

Factual correctness with specific context and domain

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Services we offer


Customer Service Automation

Effectively service customer requests for information and service provisioning


Sales and Marketing Support

Engage customers, boost sales, and improve marketing efforts with natural human-like conversations


HR Support

Answer queries of employees and new hires on benefits, policies and HR-related guidance


Customer Feedback Avatar

Extract actionable insights from customer feedback to facilitate product improvement


Personalized Employee Onboarding

Tailored onboarding guides and easy access to relevant training materials


Intelligent Employee Support

Conversationally query questions for answers from internal knowledge sources


Semantic Search for Product Discovery

Discover the perfect product with precise and context-aware search results.


Research Assistant

Find relevant information from disparate data sources, summarized the key finding and offer insights


AI-Powered Content Writing

Generate high-quality, engaging content with creative generative AI capabilities


Personalized Email Campaigns

Create personalized email campaigns at scale using customer data, generate dynamic content, and optimize email engagement.


Automated Report Generation

Extract insights from data and transform them into comprehensive and visually appealing reports


Multilingual Content Translation

Leverage AI to automatically translate content into multiple languages, ensuring global reach

Customer Success Stories

Specialty Speech Recognition
Specialty Speech Recognition

Quantiphi helped Cloud9 Technologies redefine financial trading communications and compliance management

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Pincode Recognition for Proof Of Purchase
Pincode Recognition for Proof Of Purchase

Quantiphi helps Coca-Cola build a "Magic Wand" proof of purchase experience on its smartphone-based app for its customer loyalt...

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AI-Enabled Monitoring System for Railways
AI-Enabled Monitoring System for Railways

Explore how Quantiphi is helping the freight transportation industry transform into a more efficient, greener, and safer operat...

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Brain Hemorrhage Image Segmentation
Brain Hemorrhage Image Segmentation

Quantiphi partnered with Johns Hopkins University to develop superior diagnostic methods for brain injury patients

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